(1280x720; Mp4; 986 Mb; 26.16 min)
OOld video, which was shot back in 2014. Bikini-wrestling match between Lilu (Gold) and the DevilGirl (Red). Traditional match by rules "2 of 3 falls". One goal and one opportunity to claim victory. Both girls conjured up every possible trick to defeat her opponent, sometimes they do not hesitate to use "dirty tricks". Low Blows; Chops; Kicks,Headscissors; Camel Clutch; Suplex; ElbowDrop; Knee Panches; Bodyslam; Punching; BostonCrab; Arrow; Figure 4 leglock; Clothesline; LegDrop; FaceBuster; DropKick; ArmWringer; Splash; ArmbarLock; Slingshot; Groin Buster; Surfboard; Crippler Crossface; Cattle Mutilation; Knee to the Belly and other, trying to turn the tides to their favor.