(Mp4; 19.09 min.; 1280x720, 732 Mb; 1920x1080, 1,54 Gb)
A dynamic and tough fight, in which there were a lot of blows. Blows to the stomach, blows knees to the stomach, kicks to the stomach, low blows.
But most of all there were punches in the face. Devil Girl and Freyja fought in the ring (and out of it) for life and death!
There was also Snap Mare, Elbow Drop in the crotch, HeadScissors, Sleeper Holds, Elbow Drop, Headbutt, Bronco Buster.
The girls fought desperately and even their own blood* did not stop them from wanting to destroy their enemy!
P.S. All conversations in this video are in Russian. There are English subtitles.
* All the blood in this video is a prop.