(Mp4; 33.53 min; 1280x720, 1.19 Gb; 1920x1080, 2.77 Gb)
In this video, Anasthesia fights against Lilu. The fight was under the rules of "3 out of 5 falls." To win, the girls had to send the opponent to the knockout up to 10 counts after
Boot To Neck in the corners of the ring. But the girls were not limited to this action.
They showed a spectacular battle, which were: HeadLock, Piledrivers and Tombstone/Piledrivers, Hairpulling, Clothesline, Many Kicking in the Crotch, Low Blow,
Octopus Hold, Hip Attack, Many HeadScissors, Punches elbows, knees and feets, Irish Whip, Using the ropes, Powerslam, Knee to the Belly, Body Splash.
And this is not all that both wrestlers were ready to go for victory!